08-05-2018 - 13-06-2018

Tamini Village receives 4 months of rainfall every year. It could be great for tourists and farmers, however, the school children barely can study. This is because, their school roof is made of tin and the noise it makes , makes it impossible to children to hear their teacher. Our club , partners with RCP Metro in construcing a clay tile (Mangalore Tile) roof over the current one. Work is on, in a war footing, so that the roof is ready well before the onset of monsoons in June.

Project Details

Start Date 08-05-2018
End Date 13-06-2018
Project Cost 100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 850
Partner Clubs RCP Metro, RCP University
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy